CAMTB Strategic Planning Session
With a founder’s round of funding well underway (thank you donors!) the CAMTB board of directors have been busy planning our next steps. We’re all eager to ramp up our advocacy and lobbying efforts as we put together the administrative base for the organization.
To that end, on January 28, 2020, we held an all-day strategic planning session with a recently contracted organizational consultant. It was the first time our Board were able to meet face to face, instead of our weekly conference calls.

Our consultant, Austin McInerny, has a strong history of growing nonprofit mountain biking organizations, as the former Executive Director of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association.
The Marin Museum of Cycling and Mountain Bike Hall of Fame in Fairfax, California, graciously hosted our meeting. It seemed an appropriate place to plan for the future of mountain biking in California, surrounded by its history. We appreciate their support.
Of course, with the CAMTB board together, a lunch time bike ride was included on the schedule. Split Rock Tap and Wheel provided a delicious lunch, and loaner bikes for board members Steve Messer and Susie Murphy, who had travelled from Southern California for the session.
We rode the Tamarancho loop, where board member Vernon Huffman was able to show off some of his recently completed trailwork projects.
The session ended with us having a much clearer path forward as we prepare for the California Trails and Greenways Conference, Sea Otter, and the upcoming November election.