Nonprofit Resources to Navigate Covid19 Pandemic

In these unprecedented times when we’re making new adaptations daily, nonprofits such as those serving and representing the mountain biking community throughout the country are facing the downturns that typically follow an economic collapse. But this is so much more. People’s lives are at stake, and public health and safety take precedence. The resilience of our funding sources, our respective nonprofit missions, and the future of our sport and the world as we know it seem at stake.

Several stimulus packages with the goal of mitigating economic and social impacts, and reducing the foreboding economic forecasts have been considered and enacted. There are more are in the works.

Some of the stimulus packages may be of direct benefit to some California mountain biking and trail advocates, especially those with paid staff. There may be opportunities to get stimulus funding for shovel-ready projects. There even may be new opportunities to fast track and save precious time off approval and funding for projects for beneficial community projects and infrastructure, such as trails.

With that said, here are some first-line resources that may help some of our more active and professionally-run trail and MTB organizations around California. These have information about applying for the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). We encourage you to share this time-sensitive information with other nonprofits who could benefit.

·         FMA’s Payroll Protection Toolbox, which includes a PPP calculator, template for board resolution to authorize the loan, and a script for talking to your bank about PPP.

·         Independent Sector’s resources for organizations that want to apply for funds.

·         National Council of Nonprofits’ Analysis of the Coronavirus Aid, Relieve, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

·         National Council of Nonprofit’s webinar recording (Mar. 31) “Federal Coronavirus Relief Bills: What Do They Mean for Nonprofits?”

We hope these resources, courtesy of the Council of Nonprofits, are helpful and please share with us other resources you may be aware of.