AB 1789 Clears Both CA Legislatures, Moves on to Governor Newsom’s Desk
Pictured above: Trail Partners from the CAMTB Community At Work in the Tahoe Basin
Legislative Update & Call to Action
In late August, AB 1789 (Bennet), which re-establishes accountability for, and updates to, the existing California Recreational Trails System Plan, cleared both the CA State Assembly and Senate. It now moves on to the Governor’s desk for final consideration. See the full bill text HERE.
Despite amendments that narrowed the original vision for AB 1789, CAMTB remains supportive of the bill. Most recently CAMTB submitted a shared Letter of Support with signatures from over 25 advocacy organizations from our member and partner community.
Why We Continue to Support AB 1789
AB 1789 (Bennett) requires an update to the California Recreational Trails System Plan no later than January 1, 2024. The bill also requires that a progress report with recommended revisions be submitted to the Legislature every three years, and that the Dir. of CA State Parks recommend priorities for funding that improve and expand non-motorized, natural surface trails in the state. There has been an 11-year lapse since this plan was last updated, and since that time, our trails have seen unprecedented levels of use.
Adapting to the changes in usage patterns, population trends, and increasing trail access to urban, suburban, and rural populations will take both vision and planning. AB 1789 re-establishes these, and adds accountability, to ensure that enhanced outdoor experiences are prioritized for all in the state.