2022 November Voter Guide
CAMTB is excited to share our 2022 California midterm election endorsements! These range from local positions to state Assembly and Senate positions. We support these candidates for their particular stance on and commitment to outdoor recreation and environmental stewardship in California.
We are also linking to guides provided by other organizations.
Marin & Sonoma Counties
State Assembly (AD-12): Damon Connolly. “Marin and Sonoma County have incredible trails for walking, hiking, and mountain biking — to live here is to love the outdoors. As our next Assembly member, I will continue to work hand-in-hand with Access4Bikes to ensure the preservation of open space and improvements to our trails and bike paths for all users, as I have in implementing Marin’s Road and Trails Management Plan as a County Supervisor. Adequate funding for California State Parks is crucial to ensuring the Parks are partners with neighboring jurisdictions on wildfire prevention, forest health, and sea level rise adaptation.“
San Anselmo City Council: Tarrell Kullaway. Tarrell Kullaway is the Executive Director for the Marin County Bicycle Coalition working to improve safety and access for people who bike in Marin. She has a 30+ year career in environmental policy and advocacy and has helped the MCBC almost double its operating budget since she took the helm in 2019. She is an avid mountain, road, and transportation rider and will fight for the things that people who bike care about.
Marin Voters Guides, see MCBC Bike the Vote and the Access4Bikes Voter’s Guide.
Contra Costa & Alameda Counties
East Bay Municipal Utility District Board of Directors Ward 3: Marguerite Young. She has been an advocate for expanded use of the EBMUD trails since her 2014 election, and was key in establishing the current access. She advocates for re-engaging in a collaborative process with trail users to identify opportunities to open some of our narrow trails for bike use, or to create single track trails designed for bikes.
East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors Ward 3: Daphne Lin. She supports increased bike access including bike only trails in areas where environmental impact is low and supports class 1 e-bike access. “There is no excuse for the Bay Area not to have adequate mountain bike trails.” “I believe EBRPD has failed to evolve with time and as such, is stuck in the past as it has refused to change its policies.”
Contra Costa and Alameda Voter Guide see BTCEB Candidate Survey
San Mateo County
San Mateo County Board of Supervisors (District 2) Charles Stone. During his nine years on Belmont City Council, Charles Stone consistently supported keeping singletrack trails open to all trail users in Belmont. When a special interest group tried to restrict access to the Crystal Springs Cross Country Course in Belmont, he successfully championed efforts to keep it open for both high school track athletes and the general public. He has a strong track record of supporting inclusive multi-use access in open space.
Belmont Mayor Julia Mates. “Waterdog is one of the few areas in the region where mountain bikers can enjoy trails. It brings a diverse group of people from our community and beyond to recreate together. When I’m out on the trails, I see mountain bikers of all generations: families with kids, adults, and senior adults. And going into the future I want to make sure we have the safest trails possible, while keeping the wonderful and long-established multi-use aspect of these trails.”
Belmont City Council (District 1) Gina Latimerlo. “Belmont has so much beautiful open space, and each of us is entitled to enjoy that open space. None of us is entitled to monopolize it. The answer in our divided America is not to divide us more, like ‘hikers here,’ ‘bikers there.’ The goal is for us to share the land—hasn’t that been the lesson of the last couple of centuries?”
Belmont City Council (District 3) Robin Pang-Maganaris. “We are fortunate as a community to have access to such wonderful spaces such as Waterdog Lake and I do not believe that there should be limits placed on who has access to that area. It belongs to all of us — to all of us to use in the ways that are most comfortable to us.”
Belmont Voter Guide see Waterdog Open Space Stewards
Sacramento County
Fair Oaks Recreation and Parks District Director: Garett McDermid. McDermid is a long-time board member in mountain bike access organizations and runs a local nonprofit that leads youth bike rides, clinics, and events to develop and grow the bike community in our area.
Ventura County
State Assembly (AD-38): Steve Bennett. Assembly Member Bennett has a record as an environmental leader and a trail supporter. In this past session, he was the key player in getting increased funding and improved planning for natural surface trails.
San Diego County
State Senate (SD-40): Brian Jones. Senator Jones has long worked with and supported the local mountain bike advocacy group in their work for more and better trails.
Vote by November 8th!
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th. Every Californian registered to vote has received a ballot in the mail. You can mail it or drop it off on or before election day, or vote in person at a polling place or election center. To learn how to register to vote or where you can vote, see here.
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