BOLT Act Gains Momentum

BOLT Act Gains Momentum

Photo: Kurt Refsnider courtesy of Bikepacking Roots H.R. 6337 Bicycling On Long Distance Trails Act (BOLT Act), a bill to promote biking on federal lands across the United States and bolster the outdoor recreation industry cleared a significant milestone this week. The U.S. House of Representatives approved the bill and it now awaits discussion on the Senate floor. If passed, […]

Assembly Bill 1789 Passes the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee

Assembly Bill 1789 Passes the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee

Trails legislation reaches important milestone in the California Assembly AB 1789, which was introduced by Assembly Member Bennett on February 3, 2022, unanimously cleared the Assembly’s Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee hearing on April 5, 2022. The bill is now moving on the Appropriations Committee for review. The “More Trails for All” act (CAMTB’s working title) specifically funds new non-motorized […]

AB-1789 Aims to Activate New Funding for Trails in California

AB-1789 Aims to Activate New Funding for Trails in California

AB-1789 (Bennett) Outdoor Recreation: California Trails Commission: Trails Corps Full Bill Text: [link] Status: Under review, Appropriations Committee Passed, Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee unanimously, 4/5/22 [More Info] Our Position: Support UPDATE: AB1789 passes the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee Unanimously on April 5, 2022. Bill Summary Creates the California Trails Commission Requires the CNRA to assign a California […]

CAMTB Statement about Electric Bicycles

CAMTB Statement about Electric Bicycles

In Spring 2020, CAMTB conducted a survey of mountain bike organizations around California, to help inform the development of public comments on the Department of the Interior’s rulemaking process for Electric Bikes. The findings were presented in a public virtual conference call, and CAMTB submitted comments to the four agencies under the Department of the Interior. Our submitted comments are […]