Critical CA State Parks Legislation Signed by Governor

Critical CA State Parks Legislation Signed by Governor

Post Updated: Sep 11, 2023 Newsom Approves Sen. Dodd’s SB 668: State Park Operating Agreements Senate Bill 668 (Dodd), extends the ability of the CA State Parks (i.e. Dept. of Parks & Recreation) to enter into agreements with nonprofits for the purpose of operating and maintaining park facilities, improving parks, and reducing their overhead. Support State Park Partners! “California parks […]

Assm Garcia Hosts Listening Session for Sierra Nevada Stakeholders to Discuss AB 1567 Climate Bond

Assm Garcia Hosts Listening Session for Sierra Nevada Stakeholders to Discuss AB 1567 Climate Bond

Introduced earlier this year, AB 1567, officially the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparation, Flood Protection, Extreme Heat Mitigation, Clean Energy, and Workforce Development Bond Act of 2024, would in its current form authorize the issuance of bonds totaling $15.9 billion to finance projects for safe drinking water, wildfire prevention, drought preparation, flood protection, extreme heat mitigation, clean energy, […]

Identifying Types of E-Bikes and E-MTBs

Identifying Types of E-Bikes and E-MTBs

E-bikes and e-mountain bikes are an ongoing hot topic among riders, CAMTB member trail stewardship organizations, public lands advocates, and land managers. In 2020, the California Mountain Biking Coalition released our Statement about Electric Bicycles which outlines our position on which types of e-bikes are appropriate for natural surface trails where traditional “analog” mountain bikes have been commonly used in […]