The Rising Tide

The Rising Tide

70+ Park Supporters Work the Halls in Sacramento for CA State Parks Originally Published: May 23, 2023 by CA State Parks Foundation [More Info] On May 16, 2023, California State Parks Foundation hosted the 21st annual Park Advocacy Day. Nearly eighty park advocates, including members of CAMTB’s Legislative and Government Affairs Team, traveled to Sacramento to express their support for […]

CAMTB attends Recreation Roundtable with Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship & CA Natural Resources Agency.

CAMTB attends Recreation Roundtable with Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship & CA Natural Resources Agency.

In late April, Michael Anzalone, CAMTB Executive Director, and Steve Messer, Board President of CAMTB took part in a Recreation Roundtable with the California Natural Resources Agency, Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, US Forest Service, and Sierra Nevada Conservancy. Organized by our partners at Outdoor Alliance, the two-day meeting gave the CNRA leadership the opportunity to learn more about the SBTS’ […]